The life of a repo man is always intense.

I love the 1984 movie Repo Man. I’ve watched it dozens of times. I know every line in the movie. In the 80s when I lived in San Francisco I only bought generic food because if you look in the movie everything on the shelves in every store is generic. I even got a tattoo of a can of generic beer.
My friends and I used loved the character Duke. We were punk rock idiots who blamed society for making us what were too. We used to do crimes like get sushi and not pay.
This was a fun painting I did as a tribute to a cult classic and to every punk who grew up in America in the 80s. When people see it either they know or they don’t. It’s a good test. You should buy one and put in your car.
Acrylic on canvas. Measures 8” x 10”.