Vinyl #3: Sam & Ralph LP

Here’s the third in my vinyl series. Sonic Youth’s Goo meets Sam Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf (as played by Wile E. Coyote) in the great Looney Tunes/Merry Melodies cartoons. I did this one for my friend KZ who shares my taste in both music and entertainment.
To be honest, I am a much bigger fan of the cartoons than the album. “Kool Thing” is a great song. But think about the cartoon… two blue-collar workers who punch in every morning and do their job of hunting and protecting a herd of sheep. As they pass each other by, they say “Mornin’ Sam” and “Mornin’ Ralph” and then the mayhem begins until it’s time to clock off and say goodnight until the next day. Brilliant.
Acrylic on canvas. Measures 12” x 12”