Rex Kwon Do

I was a kid who loved comic books. Mostly Marvel Comics from the great heyday of master cartoonist Jack Kirby. X-Men, Daredevil, The Avengers… the list goes on and on. And, of course, my personal favorite is the Silver Surfer.
Kirby and comic book art greatly influenced me, to the point where my teacher at my one semester of college painting got all over me for outlining everything.
If you understand my history as a 70s comic book lover and an 80s punk, then you will understand why I love Jaime Hernandez’s work in Love and Rockets.
On top of the stories themselves, I loved the comic book ads. From monsters to spy tools to gag gifts and more, I ate it up. I paid tribute to this in my painting Make Money Get Prizes and even added “Mac” from the Charles Atlas Comic Book Ads to my painting Garbage.
This painting imagines Rex Kwon Do’s pitch to prospective students from Napoleon Dynamite as a comic book ad. It was a fun and quick painting I did for myself, along with a portrait of his wife Starla. Rex Kwon Do is my favorite character from that movie and a fantastic cinema icon—a champion of freedom and justice.
In his immortal words, “FORGET ABOUT IT!”
Acrylic on paper. Measures 5.5” x 8.5”.